The Cross Border Speed Championship

Posts in category Forrestburn

2022 XBC August Update

2022 08 28 Forrestburn RX8

In between Ice Ages, there is at least one glorious sunny weekend at Forrestburn, and it happened in August 2022 !!

A very good number of XBC Competitors in attendance, and much discussion of the subtle difference between bollard kissing and bollard whacking, both of which seemed to be new found hobbies for the anonymous few, for whom the track now seems a little longer.

It was good to see Peter Locke’s re-shelled RX8 in action. Although sadly he didn’t get to compete in this car, he was keen that the car should be seen out at events in order to raise awareness of, and hopefully some cash for, Prostate Scotland. In remembrance of Peter, if you wish, you can do your bit using the following link, or QR code.

2022 08 28 Forrestburn QR

August also brought two events over one weekend down south, with the Saturday Aintree providing TEN TIMED RUNS !! Three Sisters wasn’t that far behind with EIGHT TIMED RUNS, so if ever you were in doubt as to the “value for money” element of a weekend trip to these events, on two very different circuits, hesitate no more !!

The XBC Web Site has been updated with all of the Results and Scoring for August, all to be found on the 2022 Events Page.

It is also time to get your entries in for our very own Event, the XBC October Kames Weekend. Use the above link to get you started. If you have any (entry related !!) problems, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by email, or via the contact page on the Web Site.

We are also holding an XBC “Track Day” on Friday 30/09/2022, the day before our Sprint Weekend. If you are interested in a place you should first ensure that you are entered for the Sprint Weekend, and then contact Ronnie by email or via the Web Site at the earliest opportunity, as the number of cars on Friday will be limited in order to ensure value.

In the meantime, it seems that a very significant number of XBC Competitors will be at Harewood, and we look forward to seeing you there.

2022 XBC Forrestburn Update

2022 06 11 Forrestburn Rain

This weekend past, the Forrestburn Stunt Gazebo Kite Flying Competition failed to get off the ground when not one Competitor was prepared to take theirs out of the bag !!

This photo gives an impression of the view that most Competitors enjoyed. Yes, Forrestburn’s reputation as a bleak, wild and exposed barren spot remains untarnished, and of course who would expect rain to fall in the vicinity of a reservoir.

Perhaps it was the incredible foresight of the venue’s designers, that one day they would need vast quantities of water on hand in order to allow lithium battery electric vehicles to compete.

Joyous was the news, in times where a single Practise run is the norm, that we would have four Practise runs. The risk here is that Competitors have several “dryish” runs provided in order to practise for their subsequent wet timed runs !! Similar in fact to stopping for an hour for lunch as everything dries up, only to start the afternoon’s proceedings with the onset of rain again. Joy indeed !!

It is in weather like this that four wheel drive is a great advantage, but even the two wheel drive cars are able to reduce the time gap normally found between them and the single seaters.

Of the single seaters, only Stuart Mather had the good sense to use a set of List 1A tyres for the whole weekend !!

Despite the weather, a good weekend, a more efficient throughput of vehicles than we perhaps remember. Vehicle carnage was almost non-existent considering the track conditions. That is not to say that there was not some excitement, as you might gauge from the following photograph of Forrestburn scenery from an unusual perspective. No awards were issued to any of the Competitors who helped to trim the grass !!

2022 06 11 Forrestburn Backwards

The XBC website has been updated with Forrestburn Results and Scoring, to be found on the 2022 Events Page. Perhaps possible class leaders are already emerging, but we are only a few rounds away from dropped scores starting to kick in, and that is when it all starts to get very interesting. Any errors or omissions, please let us know.

Our next XBC fixture is Boyndie which at the time of writing still seems to be open for entries if you are quick. Hope to see you there.

Forrestburn Results

A good weekend at Forrestburn, despite the rain on Sunday morning, and good to catch up with other XBC competitors once again, who were there in greater number on the Saturday “counter”.

The website Events Page has been updated with the results for Saturday, and the scoring has been updated as well. Please contact us by email if you spot any errors or omissions.

The next event on the calendar is the Kames weekend at the end of July. We will do our best to alert you when the on-line entries for this weekend go live. EACC have been very supportive of our XBC, and have provided tremendous support to us in the preparations for our own October Kames event.  Please, if your schedule allows it, could we ask that you support this weekend for them, as a gesture of our appreciation.

If you are off on holiday between now and then, have a great time . . . . . . unless of course your car is STILL in bits, in which case . . . . You know what you have to do !!!