“Anglesey was mega!!” (Allan H)
“Mixed weather but fantastic fun. Has to be done again !” (Donald C)
There is no doubt that the trip to Anglesey is a long slog, but the quotes above give some indication of the enthusiasm of our Competitors for this venue, and a well run MG Car Club event. Extra timed runs were the order of the day, and this certainly helps provide value for those so far travelled.
A strong XBC contingent made up 17% of the Entry List, and it would certainly seem that our drivers made an impression.
Saturday was overcast and dry. Of our drivers, FTD went to Stephen Mallet, with Richard Mallet and Nigel Fox taking second and third fastest overall. All XBC drivers were comfortably in the top half of the field, and five Class wins were also achieved.
Heavy overnight rain meant that Sunday was overcast with a wet track gradually drying over the course of the day.
Five Class winners once again. Six XBC drivers in the top ten, with Dave Exton producing an astonishing 4th fastest overall in the slithery 350Z.
Equally astonishing was the fact that through sheer laziness (or perhaps it was gearbox problems), Nigel Fox drove every one of Sunday’s runs in third gear only, and was still 14th fastest overall !!
Special mention however must go to our hero of Anglesey, Stuart Mather who showed steady improvement over the day, and on his final run scooped his first ever FTD in his lovely little Mk4 Jedi.
Stuart is pictured here (3rd from left) with a subset of the XBC Anglesey gang.
All in all, a great weekend, with the event highly likely to reappear on the XBC Events Menu for 2023.